Digital Library and eBook Services
Princeton Selling Group also extends the same services for print titles to digital products with the same level of care and focus.
Digital Library Marketing
How PSG can help promote your digital products:
PSG can market digital collections, eLibrarires, or other subscription based products
PSG has an established database of 12,700 Subject Librarians across the top 200 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada
PSG can market important digital products to select subject librarians that align best with a publisher’s given subject areas
PSG is able to datamine and update subject librarian contact lists to ensure the most up to date and accurate list of end-user contacts
PSG can collaboratively draft electronic mailings within given brand guidelines to go out to all interested librarians
PSG can assist in offering free trials to University librarians and stay in contact with them to help with any technical difficulties or troubleshooting
PSG encourages subscriptions to digital libraries and helps expose digital products to new audiences
eBook Customers
How PSG can help promote your eBooks:
PSG can help sell eBooks to important customers including Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks
PSG can upload all title information and complete eBook manuscripts, including EPUB and MOBI files, directly to important customers
PSG can report sales and trends of eBook sales directly to our client publishers