Professor Adoption Program
Communicate Your Important Titles To Targeted Subject Professors!
Our Professor Adoption & Communication Programs Get Results!
Our successful professor adoption programs produce adoptions and vital communication to and from professors for our publishers best text and course books. This communication is needed to compete successfully in the academic audience.
We Produce:
- Textbooks Adopted As Compulsory Course Texts.
- Professors’ supplementary recommendations that create sales from students through Amazon, University Bookstores, and Libraries.
- A Plethora Of Editorial Feedback Offered By Professors.
How Our Professor Adoption Program Works
Professor Research
We research the best professor customer targets at undergraduate, graduate, and medical school subject area departments.
Custom Databases
We create new and exclusive professor databases for each publisher’s textbook or textbook subject grouping.
Collaborative Design
We collaborate with our publishers to develop excellent email campaigns and copy for the titles we promote.
Marketing Emails
We send regular marketing mailings to create interest and produce complimentary copy requests.
Qualifying Requests
We qualify each professor who requests a complimentary copy to identify their shipping address and upcoming course information.
Continual Follow-Up
We qualify each professor who requests a complimentary copy to identify their shipping address and upcoming course information
Decisions and Feedback
We share all professor feedback to let publishers know how their texts or coursebooks are being adopted, used as supplementary recommendations, or otherwise reviewed editorially by professors.
Mailing Analytics
We can provide regular analytics (open rates, clicks, and more) on all promotional mailings.
Generate Revenue
We generate revenue from text adoptions at university bookstores, sales to Amazon accounts, and direct sales on a publisher’s online store.
Researched in our adoption program databases
Through our tailored programs, we have achieved hundreds of successful course adoptions across North America as well has hundreds of placements on recommended course reading lists.
“In less than three years Princeton Selling Group, PSG, has streamlined our professor marketing and adoption program by leaps and bounds. PSG’s communication with professors has created compulsory adoptions, supplementary adoptions, and a great deal of editorial feedback for our important academic titles in Nutrition. They also help us with the in-house requests that we receive from professors and provide an end-to-end professor communication program for us. We are very pleased with their efforts and they have significantly impacted our bottom line results.”

Ryan Baechler
Senior Director of Product Strategy & Development
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics